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An Art Nouveau villa steeped in history

Hotel Villa Elena tells stories of a not too distant past, made up of events and shows.
In the early twentieth century it was the private residence of a wealthy Genoese family who built a luxury villa following the Art Nouveau style so much in vogue at that time.
In the '50s it was transformed from a house into a hotel, always maintaining the ”family“ character. It was in 1968 that it became what we still know today as Hotel Villa Elena, whose name is linked to Elena, the woman who created this splendid villa at the beginning of the century.

Today the splendid Villa Elena is a family-run hotel, where Dino and Rina, together with their children Michele and Gian Luigi, the latter's wife Alessandra and granddaughters Chiara and Elena carry on the tradition of offering high-level hospitality, albeit in the name of innovation of the twenty-first century.
There are many services designed to make the experience of those who choose us unforgettable: the possibility of staying with full board or half board, savoring the wonderful proposals of our Chefs.
And for those who reach Varazze by car, a private parking inside the villa is available to guests.
Come and experience a stay in Liberty with us!

Disegno Villa Elena
  • Foto Villa
  • Foto Villa
  • Foto Villa
  • Foto Villa
  • Foto Villa
  • Foto Villa


Villa Elena has undergone many transformations, always remaining the same. From the residence of a wealthy family, in the 50s it became a family-run hotel.


Immerse yourself in the wonder of a hundred years ago, with the innovation of the twenty-first century: this is Villa Elena. An evocative place where elegance and modernity coexist in harmony.


From generation to generation. Hotel Villa Elena has been run by the Bruzzone family for over 50 years.
Maybe that's also why guests say they feel ”at home“.


That which is born near the sea cannot fail to be influenced by it. Especially if it's just a few meters away and you can breathe the breeze directly at the hotel.